German Wirehaired Pointer

German WirehairedNot surprisingly, the German Wirehaired Pointer was bred in Germany to be a tough hunting dog that could track, point and retrieve both on land and in water. A mixture of the Griffon Stichelhaar, Pudelpointer and German Shorthair, the Germans made further advances in the dog’s attitude and utility by breeding in the Poodle and Foxhound. This dog is a courageous gundog that is able to hunt both fur and feather. Energetic to the point of tirelessness they need a dominating owner to keep them from becoming willful or high strung.

The Wirehaired Pointer has an undercoat that becomes dense during the winter months and thins out in the summer. His wiry outer coat is weather resistant and water repellant and lays flat on his body. In order to protect his face in dense and bushy environments, he has longer hair on the whiskers, forehead and beard. He is liver and white colored with ticking, spots, roan or even solid patterns.

He is 22 to 26 inches in height at the withers and weighs between 60 to 70 pounds.

Photo Courtesy of Mason Creek Kennel. (CH Mason Creek’s High Voltage MH).
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