English Setter

English SetterThis dog is like your go-to office guy; he enjoys his work and gets the job done. However, don’t be tricked into being a complacent boss. The English Setter can get a little unruly without the proper training and discipline to make him a star.

A stylish looking chap, this Setter is characterized by its silky speckled coat and leg and tail feathering. Because of his ability to cover an enormous amount of ground quickly, he can be a great asset in more open territory such as those found in the Midwest, West and South. Just don’t forget to train him to hold his point long enough for you to catch up with him. Feel free to bring your English Setter along to the North East as well. He’s a versatile hunter and can also be used as a close working dog with the proper training.
When talking with breeders, it might be wise to go with a dog from field lines that’s bred more specifically for hunting rather than showing.

The average size of this breed is 24 to 25 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 45 to 80 lbs.

Photo Courtesy of DeCoverly Kennels.


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