Bird Hunting Dogs

Upland Hunting Dogs

Heated debates will continue to fill the halls of hunting lodges everywhere on what dog reigns supreme in the upland arena. There are so many variables when talking upland hunting — species of bird, terrain, weather, number of dogs fielded, solo hunter or a group, etc etc — to crown a single breed is a misconception. And why should we? The debates are fun and good for the sport.

Putting your four-legged partners in the field is an integral part of the upland hunting challenge, and whether they are Grand Champions or Grand Mongrels, are you really going to care when their nose leads you to the next flush? The combination of genetics, training and on-the-job experience makes hunting with dogs an amazing thing to behold.

In the interest of fueling discussion we’ve summarized a number of breeds (and of course we’ve probably left a few out as well), but we’ll continue to expand and improve this section as feedback arrives.

Black Lab

Nowhere to Look

Dropped Wyatt off at the vet this morning for an exploratory procedure. I am now trying to do anything, accomplish something, will myself to…

Ida and Wing

Meet Ida

I’ve always found the haphazard naming of dogs intriguing. I’ve wondered if a puppy grows into the name, filling the shape of some predetermined…