Japanese QuailJapanese Quail

The Japanese Quail has its roots in East Asia where it can be found in China, Korea, Siberia and – of course – Japan. These birds are about 8 inches in length and are a mottled yellow-brown color with a white-cream stripe above the eye. Several Soviet spacecrafts have carried the eggs of the Japanese quail into orbit around the Earth, giving new meaning to the concept of a migratory bird.

In addition to being found in the wild, these birds are commonly farm raised for their eggs and meat. In addition, many hunters will train their young pups using the Japanese Quail because this bird is relatively easy to handle and has a short flight distance of between 20 and 40 feet. Despite the bird’s domestic popularity around the world, it has become uncommon in the wild due to loss of habitat and overhunting. In the United States, this bird can be found in Hawaii where it roams the grasslands and cultivated fields.

Photo Courtesy of K Lin.

Where to Hunt Japanese Quail


Bird Hunting Colorado

On the Eve


I’ve been accused in the past of trying to make every bird hunt a “religious experience.” I laughed it off when first cast. But…